What My Clients Are Saying
About Me

Don't just take my word for it...

Listen to what my many satisfied clients have to say about me and my Getting To The Next Level Transformation Coaching.

And when you're ready, I can help you and your organization get to the next level too!

Reuben Kamp, CEO/Founder, Darkhorse Tech

“Manuel has been instrumental in transforming our business through his expertise in AGILE Service delivery processes. He provided us with a shared language and a set of KPIs that have streamlined our operations. Before Manuel's intervention, we were struggling to keep up with our old service delivery system as our company expanded. Thanks to his guidance, we successfully scaled to serve 1,200 customers and grew to over 70 employees efficiently, and still growing!
If you are on the fence about working with Manuel, I would strongly encourage you to take the plunge. Manuel brings a level of brutal honesty that is both refreshing and necessary for real growth. His approach will force you to confront the realities of how your company functions, which can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. His expertise in AGILE processes is unparalleled, and the improvements we've seen in our business are a testament to his skill. Be ready for transformative change that will help you scale and succeed."

Reuben Kamp, CEO/Founder, Darkhorse Tech


Schyler Jones, Owner, MiradorIT LLC

“I’ve been working with Manuel going on 4 years and I can say my experience has been nothing shy of phenomenal. Manuel has years of real-world experience both as an engineer and in IT, developing and following formalized processes that have enabled him to build a strategy that enables a business to get off the ground and thrive. Manny is about process and statistics and is not the eccentric sales person the other well-known business coaches are. I found him down-to-earth, personable, and eager to help even the ‘little guy.’ He understands my business – that’s how he is able to prescribe his formula and develop seemingly endless solutions for problems and opportunities that crop up along the way.
I’ve always known that a successful business doesn’t just happen – it occurs by design, and Manuel’s Getting To The Next Level process is the formula for that. He starts off by guiding you to establish foundational principles such as setting your mission, vision, values, and strategy. Then he’ll walk you through the pieces that follow – establishing and managing human capital, sales, and service delivery. You can look at and focus on the big picture and work on key metrics that help you understand what it costs to deliver your service. That, in turn, helps you realize what you need to be charging.

Running a business brings many challenges that demand attention, not the least of which is growing and managing the business, something that is easily lost in the daily chaos. With Manuel’s program, if you follow the process he lays out, the sales numbers will follow. By coaching with Manuel, our sales are up, work is up, and customers are on the rise. We recently added 6 new customers in 6 weeks, something we’ve never done before, and I have my 1st full-time employee and two part-timers. Time management seems to be the biggest issue for techs, but Manuel has a process for that; it helps them to take better notes, improve time tracking, and deliver service more effectively. Manuel will help ensure you make business building activities become a habit.

His Ten Golden Rules of PSA is a gold mine for technicians and the guiding light we follow daily, and by using his Working and Tracking Time in Real-time, we’re now ‘on-time’ with billing instead of being weeks behind at times. Manuel has taught me how to focus, not just on business development, growth, and management, but also on keeping my personal life front and center before all else. He once shared a story with me about (spending) time with his son. I took stock in what he expressed and since then have made focusing on my kids the most important aspect of life – my focus on running a business does not interfere with that. Manuel has provided a process for me to succeed, and he has made himself available practically at all hours and in many ways beyond the scope of the coaching service.

He has also become my most trusted advisor, and he has enabled light at the end of what sometimes seems like an endless, cold, dark tunnel that we call trying to start and run a business that consumes you. Manuel over-delivers in terms of exceeding expectations and going above and beyond. My advice if you’re considering using Manuel’s coaching – first, I would recommend him without question or hesitation; second, heed what he guides you in! Follow the process, stay focused.”

Schyler Jones, Owner, MiradorIT LLC


Patrick Eloi, Owner and General Manager, Complete Care IT

“The CCIT staff has responded well to Manuel’s coaching because they can see the improvement in our day-to-day process. The training emphasizes the need for our technical staff to document and function as a team as opposed to each tech working as an individual. Manuel’s coaching has definitely united our team and as a result we are more efficient. CCIT’s business process has been simplified to allow our technical staff to be more productive by improving on communication with customers and internally as well. Better communication eliminates confusion as to what needs to be done and how CCIT performs a particular task. Less confusion more process leads to a happier more productive work environment for the entire staff.
As a business owner, having an experienced coach like Manuel to provide guidance, advice, and training to our staff is simply invaluable. Manuel is an individual with the coaching skills, knowledge, and experience to assist a business owner like myself to help grow their business. What differentiates Manuel from other coaches is the fact that he’s hands-on with implementation and execution. He’s simply not just another coach on the sideline barking out what needs to be done! He’s become part of our staff by assisting with implementation and execution. He’s also my personal advisor.”

Patrick Eloi, Owner and General Manager, Complete Care IT

Brian Curtis, President, DominionTech Computer Services

“Manuel gave us the tools and skills required to understand how work flows through our organization. With this data, we were able to optimize the client and tech experience. Manuel knows his shit and takes a no-b.s. approach to helping you accomplish your goals. He’s a great teacher and won’t have you make changes for change’s sake but rather to accomplish a real objective that will make your organization better.”

Brian Curtis, President, DominionTech Computer Services


Jason R. Etheridge, President, Logic Speak

“Working with Manuel has been business-changing and far exceeded my expectations. He isn’t lying when he says he takes you to the gym. My head muscle hurts (in a good way)! The MPI Getting to the Next Level program has completely changed our service delivery process. We no longer are stressed out, chasing our tails and worried about the next customer service challenge. We’re using Manuel’s Agile Service Delivery process to take care of our customers in a logical, systematized and orderly fashion, and it is making all the difference.
I get to sleep easier at night, thanks to Manuel. The biggest benefit to using Manuel for business coaching is that he doesn’t just teach from a book. He has been there. He’s managed an IT services business and his solutions are tried and true. Manuel’s deep understanding of our industry and my business were absolutely critical to our success. As Manuel likes to say, he guarantees that there will be skinned knees and hurt feelings. There always are when making changes that are worth it. But he lived up to his promise that if we all stuck with it, it would be worth it. My team and I all agree – he was absolutely right!

Because of Manuel’s Agile Service Delivery methodology, we are finally going to be able to reliably scale and grow our company without having our growth implode on itself. We are acquiring another company in our area, and one of the first things we’re going to do is ‘take them to the gym’ – the Agile Service Delivery process gym. Before Manuel, we thought we were pretty good at tracking our time. We were awful. In fact, we didn’t even think it was possible to do so.

Not only did Manuel’s Working and Tracking Time in Real-Time process make sense, but it explained in perfect detail exactly how to do it, so we were left with no excuses! Give Manuel a try. His personality, no-nonsense attitude and unparalleled years of experience make for a winning combination for any IT company looking to get to the next level. We are so glad we found Manuel and can’t wait to see what the next level holds!”

Jason R. Etheridge, President, Logic Speak

Steve Bootes, Owner, Computing Dynamics Ltd.


“The most important benefit to Manuel’s coaching has been his encouragement and being told that we’re making improvements. When you’re in the thick of it every day, it can sometimes seem that you’re not making any progress and things are just the same that they’ve always been. It can be quite demoralising. Manuel forces us to take a step back and look at how things were compared to how they are now and makes us realise that we are doing good work, we are improving and taking steps to make our business more successful.
Before working with Manuel, our company wasn’t even close to working and tracking time in real-time. I dread to think of the amount of time that was never billed to customers, but of course, we’ve no idea how much of that unbilled time there might have been because we were never tracking it. Now everything is tracked in 5-minute intervals and we have accurate metrics about both our customers and our engineers. We’re now able to track all the financial metrics related to our business, so we actually know what our bottom-line is. Manuel also made us stash away money every month into a savings account, which we had never done before.

On top of those savings, by applying a combination of Manuel’s coaching strategies, we turned around an annual loss of around £10K to a profit of £6K. Manuel’s Ten Golden Rules of PSA are a core part of our service delivery process. We implement every simple one of those rules, and we have them printed out and stuck them on the walls in front of every Technician. We see those as critical to the smooth running of our Service Desk.

When Manuel told us that one day we would fire a client, I thought he was crazy. Why would we ever get rid of a paying client? Surely we’re just throwing money away! Of course, now that we’re analysing our client metrics in depth, we know that we were actually throwing money away every single time we did work for them!

Manuel doesn’t just get you to do things and then walk away until the next coaching session, he actually gets his hands dirty. I’ve lost count of the times that Manuel has arranged additional sessions – AT NO EXTRA CHARGE – just for us to clear something up, or to run through creating some document we needed, or just being there to discuss some critical event that’s come up in the business.”

Steve Bootes, Owner, Computing Dynamics Ltd.

Jon Sastre, Senior Vice President of Cloud Services, United Data Technologies

“Manuel is a black belt at building and sustaining a true proactive service delivery model. He works to build and change cultures within organizations. Other business coaches are generic; Manuel understands the MSP model and how to achieve excellence in service delivery. He understands our business as well as I do. Manuel showed us how to pick the right people, processes, and tools for our organization. We run an Agile Service Delivery system and all of our time is now tracked in real time all the time – 10 Golden Rules of PSA! Manuel is really engaged and holds everyone accountable.We made sure everyone was immersed in the coaching process and participated fully. Coaching with Manuel transformed our service delivery and our employees’ quality of life, and communication organization-wide has drastically improved.”

Jon Sastre, Senior Vice President of Cloud Services, United Data Technologies


Philipp Baumann, President, BoomTech, Inc.

“When I engaged with Manuel, my business was at a very bad point. We were not providing good service to our customers. Every tech did things differently, and we had a cowboy lead technician that was causing more harm than good and a system that was not scalable. Thanks to Manuel’s new work flow process and his encouragement, we have revamped our service delivery 180 degrees and replaced bad talent with new great talent. Without Manuel’s help and coaching, I would not have been able to transform my business for the better. Manuel’s experience in the IT industry and small business is what has made the difference to our team.
His advice and tools are practical and customized for our industry and size, not based on a Fortune 500 company. That’s priceless. His coaching has created a feeling of great enthusiasm and team togetherness that was not there before he started working with us. Manuel is providing us with the tools to be ready to increase our business exponentially. His coaching provides a streamline approach to growth. Additionally, Manuel’s coaching has benefited us by providing a lot of wonderful, helpful and well-constructed templates for everything! If you’re considering using Manuel’s coaching, my advice would be, ‘What are you waiting for? GIVE HIM A CALL!’”

Philipp Baumann, President, BoomTech, Inc.


Ahsun Saleem, President, Simplegrid Technology Inc.

“I wanted a coach who wouldn’t just tell me what I needed to do, but how I needed to do it. As a business owner, I understood the various areas I needed to work on, but wasn’t sure how I could go about improving those areas. Manuel helped me to define that so I could tackle those areas. Manuel has helped simplify some of our business processes, which helped streamline our business, especially from an operational perspective. He always stressed the fundamentals – understand what your core competencies are and build around that. Keeping that in mind (even today) helps me to think about my business from a foundational level and clearly helps me grow it in a responsible manner.
Manuel cared about me and my business, and he always put the interests of my business first, even when it didn’t align with his own interests. That gave me a sense of comfort in knowing the advice that he gave would always benefit me. Would I recommend Manuel and his services? Yes!!!!”

Ahsun Saleem, President, Simplegrid Technology Inc.

Robert Paradise, President, Attain Technology Inc.

“Manuel Palachuk will take your MSP to a whole new level! Manuel was recommended to me by a friend, and my experience with him has been awesome. He is one coach that is determined to make progress no matter what. Many other coaches would have given up! Manuel is dedicated, honest and motivated to see you succeed. Manuel’s complete Business Analysis was spot on and allowed him to get to know our business inside and out. With his help, I now see how I am able to scale my business to exceed my goals. Overall, the growth has been more profit to me and my business.
The most important piece of advice I received from Manuel was to move to the Agile method instead of a push system. The ability to turn our service desk into an Agile machine has been invaluable. Manuel is amazing and has the experience needed to take you to the next level. He 100% understands our business. Having Manuel as our coach is like having someone with 30 years of experience on our team. Manuel is delivering on his promise to transform our MSP to a world class scalable organization. My team works very hard to listen and implement the advice we receive from Manuel.

The difference in Manuel’s approach is how dedicated he is to his mentees and his tenacity to get it done and done right. He is direct and to the point; that makes the process faster and easier. Being coached by Manuel, you get rock solid advice, have someone to push you even when you’re not comfortable, and have someone who truly cares. Manuel is committed and available if I ever need his advice or counsel. He is a true friend!”

Robert Paradise, President, Attain Technology Inc.


Jeff Hanson, CEO, Trust IT

“Working with Manuel, he helps me stay focused on those things that I need to really focus on. Not doing so much of the work on a day-to-day basis but rather enabling everybody else to be successful within the organization. He's a great resource for me and keeps me in check and refocuses me when I'm falling back into my natural tendencies.

By bringing in partners who can help me, Manuel's helped me to identify that I've got to let some things go. He's helped me step back and look at things and identify areas that need attention and start taking things off of my plate. If you have questions about how to get over certain hurdles you're having in your MSP, Manuel is a great resource to help you with that.”

Jeff Hanson, CEO, Trust IT

Jim Hunton, President, Onsite Technical Services LLC

“I find working with Manuel to be efficient and productive. He is very task orientated and holds everyone accountable. Manuel brings real knowledge and experience. He knows how to make you more profitable. Manuel is not there to lay out a plan and not see it executed. He will hold you and your team accountable. I chose to work with Manuel because of his no-nonsense approach. Manuel told me I am too nice of a guy, and that sometimes, I need to be a little less nice.
This was actually a valuable piece of advice. Manuel’s Tracking Time in Real-time methodology has made a huge difference to our bottom line. Everything is tracked and staff members are held accountable. As a result, we have much more accurate invoices as well as better documentation for work we performed. Manuel understands how to run a successful IT business as well as our unique challenges. Other business coaches have no idea how we deliver our services as well as not having an understanding of our challenges.

Working with Manuel, you find that you both work hard and both are held accountable for reaching your goals. You get a guy that cares about your business, helping to guide you to prosperity. I would recommend Manuel to any friend that has an IT business and wants to take that business to the next level.”

Jim Hunton, President, Onsite Technical Services LLC


Mike Ita, CEO & Founder, IT Corps

“The difference Manuel has made to my personal life, team, and organization in the short time working with him has been immeasurable. I knew who he was before we started working together, but didn’t realize he was on a mission to help other people succeed and form cohesive groups that fed off each other contributing to each other’s successes. Manuel has a genuine passion to take your ideal vision, combine it with his experience, and produce a polished product. His methods are proven and when applied properly, you can only yield a positive outcome. Actually to be fair, Manuel chose me for coaching.
I was lucky enough to be invited to the first Mastermind Meeting, which was exactly what I had been looking for in connecting with people in this industry. I definitely was in the right place at the right time that night. The best piece of advice Manuel gave to me had nothing to do with our business relationship. He heard my mom was going through some tough times medically, and he called me out of concern to offer some of his personal advice. When we all get deeply ingrained in our work, it’s easy to overlook everyone around you, especially family. Manuel wanted to make sure that I was taking time for the important things around me, which is ok. It’s pretty awesome when someone that is your business coach looks past the ‘business’ side of things and cares about the person he’s working with.

I truly appreciated that call from him and can only say Thank You! It’s nice to know there are people out there like Manuel. Manuel is thorough, consistent, and always has a great perspective on whatever change you need to make to your business. He also has no problem busting your balls when you are making a blatant mistake. I think it’s extremely important to continue working with Manuel as I progress down this long and winding road of running my business. I have learned that one person doesn’t have all the answers, especially when you own your own company. Having Manuel in my corner has significantly improved the path I walk, and continuing to learn from him can only further contribute to my success and growth. Would I recommend Manuel to a friend or business associate? I do all the time!”

Mike Ita, CEO & Founder, IT Corps

Alan Helbush, President, Where To Start Inc.

“Manuel truly understands the business of being an MSP, how to deliver service efficiently, and what the impacts are on an organization when doing so. This comes from seeing the big picture as he does and then being able to focus it down to the fine detail when needed. I would have to say this is one of his superpowers. Manuel has helped me, my business, and has been there as a friend guiding me through the process of growing my business.
He has been very patient as I get comfortable with portions of the company that I have neglected in the past. I have recommended Manuel many times and will continue to do so. I have to admit, I would recommend Manuel’s coaching to someone as long as they were not my direct competitor. Manuel and his insights are one of my secret weapons, and as we know, good weapons should always be held closely and used sparingly. Non-competitors should use his services.

Manuel is like your best friend, no matter how long you have been apart, there is mutual trust and an immediate rapport when you work with each other again. You do not have to justify yourself to him, but in the guiding kind of way, he is there when you screw up to steer you back onto the track, and it does happen. Don’t hide anything from Manuel, be open and honest, share with and learn from the master. You will better off in the end.”

Alan Helbush, President, Where To Start Inc.


Rayanne Buchianico, Owner, ABC Solutions, LLC

“Manuel is so much more than a coach. If you own or manage an MSP, you need to talk with him. His extensive experience and unique system takes your business and draws a picture. The picture starts with what your business looks like today, and how it will look when you reach your goal. Then, he breaks down the steps needed to get you there. It really is an amazing approach that forces you to think about details you currently take for granted. The value of our 45 minute meetings cannot be expressed in dollars.”

Rayanne Buchianico, Owner, ABC Solutions, LLC

David Moadab, CEO, Solutions Squad Inc.

“I had joined a Microsoft networking event and after the first few meetings, I began to notice a pattern: The most successful members seemed to have a common denominator – Manuel. This is what made me choose Manuel for coaching. Before working with Manuel, we were a small break-fix company and comfortable staying that way. At this point, we are an emerging MSP with absolute confidence in rapid growth and exponential expansion with a clear path. Of all the benefits of Manuel’s coaching, the personal relationship is the most important to me. Manuel is my business coach, but at no time does it feel like it’s business only. It’s more of a personal relationship that improves my business.
When we initially started working together and were working on setting a time, I stated to Manuel that if I received a phone call during our meeting, I would need to answer it. He asked me why and I let him know that if I get a call, it is important and I must respond. He again asked why, I let him know because of my SLA. He asked what my SLA was and I stated 4 hours on average. It was at this point that he pointed out and made me realize such a basic thing I had been missing for 8 years. When a call comes in, I have 4 hours to respond. I don’t need to get stressed, distracted or go crazy, but simply manage my time and respond. This was actually a turning point in both the relationship and in my business mindset. Before working with Manuel, we had not even heard of the concept of working and tracking time in real-time, which led to lost revenue from late billing, or even worse, forgetting to bill for work performed.

I feel that working with Manuel is an absolute and critical part of our company’s future, survival and growth. Manuel is an undiscovered gem in the rough. When the world discovers him and realizes his values, both in business and in life, he will be in extremely high demand and I hope still available to the little guys. What makes Manuel different is he is not just your coach, or your friend. He is everyone’s friend and works hard at putting like-minded people together to encourage growth and learning. I would and absolutely have recommended Manuel to others because of the value he brings to not just the company, but the people. He doesn’t just help you run your business, he helps you get the spark back and enjoy your work.”

David Moadab, CEO, Solutions Squad Inc.

Ben Ahlquist, President, ByteSmart Services LLC

“Manuel comes from a true foundation of success in our industry in his own right, combines it with top-notch operations consulting and business strategy, and has a coaching style that gives it to you straight while simultaneously being encouraging with no judgment or criticism. I could not ask for a better business coach. Manuel’s combination of confidence, lightheartedness, and humility makes all the difference in his coaching. He works to understand where you are, your strengths and weaknesses, and he collaborates on a series of strategies to accelerate you getting to the next level. As a result of working with Manuel, my company is working and tracking time in real-time for the first time in 10 years.
He has great wisdom to apply to work in the trenches, all the way up through big-picture strategy planning. I would absolutely recommend Manuel to a friend or business associate. In the first month of working with Manuel, his guidance saved a business deal that was going south. That was worth more than an entire year’s worth of coaching fees.”

Ben Ahlquist, President, ByteSmart Services LLC

Eddie Joffe, Owner, NetZone Technologies

"I love working with Manuel. He constantly gets me past my sticking points. When I feel stuck, I know Manuel will get me going again to reach my goals. Before working with Manuel, I actually wasn’t even using PSA. Manuel made sure I implemented a PSA in my company, which made a big difference. Working with him, I feel my goals for my company will be achieved – reaching my goals of attaining new business and spending more time working on the business.”

Eddie Joffe, Owner, NetZone Technologies


Josh Weiss, President & Founder, L.A. Creative Technologies

“I chose to coach with Manuel because I appreciate how he does business. Manuel is rigorous, process focused, and genuinely cares about his clients and individuals and their businesses as a whole. Manuel helped me think through the process of creating a rigorous process manual, which we still use and add to all of the time today! I would recommend Manuel to anyone looking to get a solid understanding of Agile methodology in an I.T. Practice and looking to understand their business strategy and how it relates to the creation of their internal process.”

Josh Weiss, President & Founder, L.A. Creative Technologies

John Verbrugge, President, Nonlinear Tech Inc.

“Manuel is direct and clear. He stands by his advice and recommendations. There’s never any guessing as to what he means or what I should do. Manuel provided solid business advice in the IT service provider field. He had not only the business coaching, but the specifics for my industry. It’s rare to find someone who has both. Manuel understands the IT service provider industry, having been in the industry for many years. He knows the struggles, and he knows the solutions that work. When things were difficult, Manuel helped me understand that there was a clear path to success.
Sometimes the best thing a coach can do is help you see that things are going to turn out okay. Manuel did that for me. With Manuel’s Ten Golden Rules of PSA, I now understand the ‘gold standard’ of running an IT service business. I’m not there yet, but I can see the goal clearly. I have recommended Manuel to several of my IT service provider colleagues, and will continue to do so.”

John Verbrugge, President, Nonlinear Tech Inc.

Stephen H. Watkins, Sr., Owner, S.H. Watkins and Associates

"It is most important to note that Manuel truly understands every aspect of our business and our product. There is no doubt that his experience in the service industry has helped us put together many of our best processes in much less time than if we had continued on our own. I have found Manuel’s organizational and project management skills are above average due to his tendency to ‘sweat the little things’. He is very detail oriented.

He has coordinated and managed a number of software development, system migration, and roll-out projects for my company in the past, always on time and always as expected. Speaking from firsthand experience, I must say that his methods and processes are second to none. I would highly endorse his engagement on any level.”

Stephen H. Watkins, Sr., Owner, S.H. Watkins and Associates

Felipe Vidal, President, Vital Systems Support

“I like a no B.S. way of communicating. Manuel communicates clearly and with a conviction that gets my attention even when I don’t agree with him. There’s no sales pitch in Manuel’s delivery. He really keeps it real. Manuel is focused on success in our industry but he also calls you out on personal issues and behaviors that run counter to succeeding. Manuel has influenced my thinking on various aspects of my business, our industry, and on personal growth.
He makes me think hard about some of the decision points along the way in my business and life, and I appreciate Manuel’s confidence in my capabilities even when I haven’t been so sure. The best piece of advice I received from Manuel was on raising my rates, not putting up with poor clients, and staying on top of billing, which led me to hire a bookkeeper/assistant to straighten out the mess and get billing in order. He gave my newly-hired assistant at the time a solid explanation of the client interaction process, ticketing, and billing that was very helpful in resolving serious operational issues at the time.

Most of my personal network of other IT professionals have come through working with Manuel and his ad-hoc and ongoing mastermind groups. Those relationships have been beneficial. I believe he will eventually start a federation of IT support MSPs that subscribe to his ethics, methodologies, and processes in a collaborative and cooperative environment that improves outcomes for business owners, staff, and clients. Manuel understands my business as well as our industry and the issues it faces. I think that’s vitally important to get good results, and I would recommend Manuel to a friend or business associate without reservation.”

Felipe Vidal, President, Vital Systems Support

Brian Glover, CEO, Technology Solutions Consulting

“My business process was held together with duct tape when I met Manuel, which created a lot of chaos in my business. He told me I needed to automate my business so I did not have to work in my business and showed me a process to remove myself from the day-to-day aspects of the business. Manuel gets you off the fence of inaction and moves you into taking action and working on your business and not just in your business. He helped me to systemize my MSP with best practices so I could focus on my next business.
By implementing his Getting To The Next Level methodology, I realized that I was in the wrong business and made the switch to the right business. I have never been happier as I’m now able to implement his methods in that business. Implementing Manuel’s recommended business processes has made my business operations much more stable and predictable. I foresee fully turning my dream business into a reality as a result of his guidance.”

Brian Glover, CEO, Technology Solutions Consulting

William Lanier, CEO, Christian Computers, LLC

“What difference has Manuel’s coaching made? How do you say ‘EVERYTHING’? He understands the trials of an IT company owner. Not just the IT side, but the family side, the team side. He has all the areas covered. The reason his training is different is because he’s had the E players, he’s had the family challenges. He learned from his successes and failures. I am glad he had failures because he learned and now he teaches from them. Working with Manuel for over 5 years has been life-changing. Not everyone in my life I can say that about in a positive way. He has been devoted to the monthly meetings. He has provided not just knowledge that he read about; it’s knowledge from his years of experience, what I call ‘learned experience’.
My only regret with Manuel is that I didn’t meet him 18 years ago. I would be retired because his knowledge has helped me to grow my business tremendously, and I could have started that process a lot sooner. He tells it like it is. He doesn’t sugar coat the process. I love it! He doesn’t mind stepping on your toes, so you need tough skin, but it is well worth the investment. Compared to his competitors, I would say, ‘He has competitors?????’ I looked at several others. They are over-priced and have not been in the trenches like Manuel has. He understands the business and can relate to the IT industry people. He’s very resourceful, and his teaching methods are spot on! He doesn’t just give you a process; he understands the process we go through, and he will drag you through it so you understand it and you will get it. The others send you documents and follow up in a month or two.

Manuel gets down in the trenches with you and goes the distance. Manuel is accessible and offers great responses to my concerns and questions. He will answer your calls and emails quickly. If you have a question and shoot an email over to him, get ready, a response is on the way, unless of course he is with someone helping them. Very quick responses. He is straight to the point, a no-holds person. You will know what he thinks and it is usually spot on. He is there with you all the way, and he has the passion to bring you through the process. Manuel’s coaching will absolutely make a difference with his attention to detail and knowing how you feel about a pain point or objection. He has the knowledge to know what is going on in your business, more than you do sometimes. That was amazing to me. His Ten Golden Rules of PSA showed me how to get the team on the same page, and after working with Manuel, we’re truly working and tracking time in real-time.

If people get his stuff and put it on the shelf, it will not work for them. If they follow the process, it will work. I receive great ROI from working with Manuel, and I hope to continue working with Manuel for a long time. I wasn’t sure coaching was something I needed. I thought I couldn’t afford a coach. Boy, was I wrong on that one! Now, I can’t afford not to have a coach. Manuel gave me some free advice that helped me in my business, my family life, my relationships. It was FREE. He didn’t know me and yet made life-changing recommendations. I thought, ‘WOW! What would it be if I actually paid him for his knowledge?’

The rest is history! If you have an IT business and you don’t have Manuel, well let’s just say you are hurting yourself and your company. He is a great coach! Period! If you’re considering using his coaching, I would say sign up before he fills up his coaching calendar.”

William Lanier, CEO, Christian Computers, LLC

Ken Dwight, President, The Virus Doctor

“I find value in working with Manuel in many ways – financially, organizationally, and new and enhanced professional relationships. He has been a breath of fresh air, helping me recognize areas of my business that are ripe for improvement, giving me ideas for growing my business, and introducing me to other IT professionals who have helped my business grow and improve. Manuel thoroughly understands the business of IT Support and knows most of the top players in the industry. And he relates well to owners of IT Service businesses, at all levels of maturity. Manuel’s encouragement and insight have led me in directions I hadn’t considered before.
As a result of Manuel’s introductions and/or recommendations, I have found new and strengthened friendships and increased credibility for my business. Some of his introductions have led to great exposure, positive publicity, and new business. I followed Manuel’s guidance and asked him for clarification if something wasn’t clear, or if one of his ideas led me in another direction. Thanks to Manuel’s guidance, my gross revenues for 2018 YTD are up more than 40% over 2017.”

Ken Dwight, President, The Virus Doctor

Robin Galley, Assistant Vice President, Golden Pacific Bank

“Manuel’s coaching has made a tremendous difference in my life as a whole. Before I met Manuel, I did not see myself as someone who was in control of my career. His coaching has not only allowed me to see how I am in control, but also the importance of playing a proactive visionary role in every aspect of my life. I feel more self-confident and certain of my capabilities after applying his main techniques. They are fairly simple to learn and easy to duplicate. You just have to want the success for yourself and act. I am excited about my future because Manuel’s coaching has allowed me to trust in my own abilities.
He has given me the tools which allow me to prioritize my workflow, which brings greater efficiencies to my daily processes, and frees up valuable time to be spent on the most important tasks. This simple, but highly effective approach is critical for any position I may hold in a company. Knowing I have the skills and confidence to be successful in anything I put my mind to has given me the freedom to not only look forward to my future, but to also feel that while I may not know exactly what the future holds for me, I know I will be successful. Manuel is highly efficient and easy to talk to.

The energy that he puts into each session seems endless and his passion for mentoring shows. His confidence and clarity are electrifying and contagious! He is able to help you open your mind’s eye to see a greater vision, one that you are soon able to shape and mold into your own vision. I have never come across another mentor with the same energy and passion as Manuel.”

Robin Galley, Assistant Vice President, Golden Pacific Bank