+1 (561) 577-1979



A Keynote to transform your culture
and propel your organization
to stratospheric success.

Book Manuel For Your Next Keynote

Culture Fanatic,  Transformation Guru
Founder & CEO of the International Culture Initiative



A Keynote to transform your culture
and propel your organization
to stratospheric success.

Book Manuel For Your Next Keynote

Culture Fanatic,  Transformation Guru
Founder & CEO of the International Culture Initiative

On Stage Show Reel

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Erick Simpson Testimonial Quote for Culture Imperative Keynote
"Every leader and manager alike should see The Culture Imperative keynote. It will change how you view your organization's culture!"

ERICK SIMPSON - Creator of MSP Mastered®, MSP Channel Expert

Andra Hedden Testimonial Quote for Manuel Palachuk as a Speaker
“He does a wonderful job of communicating his message and gives (the audience) actionable takeaways that they can put into practice the next day.”

ANDRA HEDDEN - Chief Marketing Officer, Marketopia

Wayne Small Testimonial Quote for Culture Imperative Keynote
"It resonated with so many people in the room, and I've had so many people come up to me afterwards (and) say, 'Hey, we need to know more about this.'”

WAYNE SMALL - CEO, SMBiT Professionals

What's thriving in your organization?
Culture? or Toxiculture?


It's what sets you up for success, and it can absolutely make or break you.

But where does culture come from?

Culture must come from the top!

But what happens if the culture is poorly seeded or simply undefined?

You get what grows from beneath - weeds and all!

So, how do you cultivate a strong and lasting culture?

You give your organization a solid framework for building a positive, cohesive culture.

That's Where Manuel Comes In...

What's thriving in your organization?
Culture? or Toxiculture?


It's what sets you up for success, and it can absolutely make or break you.
But where does culture come from?

Culture must come from the top!

But what happens if the culture is poorly seeded or simply undefined?

You get what grows from beneath - weeds and all!

So, how do you cultivate a strong and lasting culture?

You give your organization a solid framework for building a positive, cohesive culture.

That's Where Manuel Comes In...

I'm Manuel

When I transitioned my decades of experience in IT and service delivery into a consulting career, the first company I took on brought me face-to-face with the most significant business challenge I encountered before or since. My objectives were simple and success seemed largely inevitable, but then catastrophe struck. The young Owner and CEO died in a diving accident.

Only when faced with this crisis were the perceived simple flaws in the company culture revealed for the massive structural cracks they, in fact, were. I wanted to give up on consulting! I feared I’d never be able to protect an organization from the toxic people in the world.

But instead, I dove in.

The repercussions of that experience crystallized my already strong belief – culture is everything in an organization, even above strategy! It’s what sets you up for success, and it can absolutely make or break you.

From that moment on, I vowed I would never again let any client suffer this kind of destruction because of a poorly seeded, undernourished, or simply undefined culture.

Addressing organizational culture would always be the first initiative tackled at the onset of any engagement.

Only after taking this stance was I able to see the extraordinary strength and cohesiveness that results from aligning your people with a clearly defined and well-nurtured culture. It becomes a competitive advantage for the organization that is nearly unbeatable.

Culture is at the heart of my first book Getting To The Next Level, and it is the subject of my keynote presentation and second book The Culture Imperative. With these, my aim is to educate and catalyze culture transformation for any organization in my sphere of impact.

Today, I continue to help teams and organizations pull back the curtain to reveal the true nature of the culture they've cultivated, and then guide them to transform it into a positive, cohesive one by simply laying the Cornerstones of Culture™.

  Read Manuel's Full Bio

I'm Manuel

When I began my consulting career, the first company I took on brought me face-to-face with my most significant business challenge encountered before or since. My objectives were simple and success seemed largely inevitable, but then catastrophe struck. The young Owner and CEO died in a diving accident.

Only when faced with this crisis were the perceived simple flaws in the company culture revealed for the massive structural cracks they, in fact, were. I wanted to give up on consulting! I feared I’d never be able to protect an organization from the toxic people in the world.

But instead, I dove in.

The repercussions of that experience crystallized my already strong belief – culture is everything in an organization, even above strategy! It’s what sets you up for success, and it can absolutely make or break you.

From that moment on, I vowed I would never again let any client suffer this kind of destruction because of a poorly seeded, undernourished, or simply undefined culture.

Addressing organizational culture would always be the first initiative tackled at the onset of any engagement.

Only after taking this stance was I able to see the extraordinary strength and cohesiveness that results from aligning your people with a clearly defined and well-nurtured culture. It becomes a competitive advantage for the organization that is nearly unbeatable.

Culture is at the heart of my first book Getting To The Next Level, and it is the subject of my keynote presentation and second book The Culture Imperative. With these, my aim is to educate and catalyze culture transformation for any organization in my sphere of impact.

Today, I continue to help teams and organizations pull back the curtain to reveal the true nature of the culture they've cultivated, and then guide them to transform it into a positive, cohesive one by simply laying the Cornerstones of Culture™.

  Read Manuel's Full Bio

Dave Seibert Testimonial Quote for Culture Imperative Keynote

"His topic, (The) Culture Imperative, was fabulous because it was really engaging with the audience and exactly what we needed for the event."

DAVE SEIBERT - President, SMB TechFest

Mitch Colton Testimonial Quote for Culture Imperative Keynote

"Manuel was super easy to work with, super prepared. The Culture Imperative ... was well delivered, it was polished. Manuel was great at adapting to time and adjusting his presentation to suit the audience."

MITCH COLTON - Technical Director, CCT Productions

Rich Freeman Testimonial Quote for Culture Imperative Keynote

“He's always been one of the easiest speakers to work with. Schedule changes happen; Manuel has always been extremely accommodating when they do.”

RICH FREEMAN - Founder, Channelholic

Keynote Show Reel

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The Cost of Getting It Wrong
and How to Get It Right

This motivational presentation is the ultimate case study of the destructive power of a toxic culture. It begins with a compelling real-life narrative of one company's pursuit of success that's permeated by nothing less than catastrophe, revealing a deeply flawed company culture.


The captivating and engaging narrative is woven together with stories both humorous and heart-wrenching. It’s followed by an in-depth discussion on what went wrong and culminates with a case study on how your organization can avoid the same pitfalls, get the culture right, and make it to the next level.


No matter your organization or endeavor, you are bound to catch a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the scenarios that are laid out. What may be of greatest value is not what you get from this presentation, but rather what you do with it.

Keynote Topics & Takeaways

What’s thriving in your organization?
Culture or Toxiculture?

Every day, organizations of all sizes deal with a toxic culture. But it’s only when faced with significant adversity that the true toxicity is discovered. And by then, it’s too late.


The Culture Conundrum

How do you align your people with your purpose? And how do you get everyone on your team pulling in the same direction and chanting the same chant?


The Culture Perspective

The size of your organization does not determine whether you need your people to be aligned to a strong cohesive culture. ALL organizations need alignment to culture.


The Culture Impasse

If you neglect the culture, or simply allow it to grow from the bottom up, you will inevitably find yourself at an impasse, and you will not get to the next level.


The Culture Imperative

Culture is everything in an organization, even above strategy. It’s what sets you up for success, and it can absolutely make or break the business. Get it right and massive if not stratospheric success is possible. Get it wrong and nothing less than the entire organization is at stake.

The Cornerstones of Culture

The cornerstones of culture give us the framework to build a solid, strong, and cohesive culture that can propel any organization to stratospheric success.


Shared Vision

Vision is not Mission – It’s a view of how the world could be if we succeed. Vision is what your team couples to, gets passionate about; it’s what makes them feel like what they do in the world matters.


The Mission

Mission is not Vision – It’s the 20-mile march. A clearly defined Mission focuses all efforts and energy like a laser to attain the Vision. It makes the team cohesive and strong.


The Human Element

This is the most valuable resource we have – It is the manifestation of our internal passion, dedication, and drive. Recognize it, nurture it, lean into it, and embrace it!


Core Values

Values matter! – They can’t be bought, sold, bypassed, or compromised. They ultimately determine who gets in, who doesn’t, who gets to stay, and who has to go!


  Download The Keynote One-Page



The Cost of Getting It Wrong
and How to Get It Right

This motivational presentation is the ultimate case study of the destructive power of a toxic culture. It begins with a compelling real-life narrative of one company's pursuit of success that's permeated by nothing less than catastrophe, revealing a deeply flawed company culture.


The captivating and engaging narrative is woven together with stories both humorous and heart-wrenching. It’s followed by an in-depth discussion on what went wrong and culminates with a case study on how your organization can avoid the same pitfalls, get the culture right, and make it to the next level.


No matter your organization or endeavor, you are bound to catch a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the scenarios that are laid out. What may be of greatest value is not what you get from this presentation, but rather what you do with it.

Keynote Topics & Takeaways

What’s thriving in your organization?
Culture or Toxiculture?

Every day, organizations of all sizes deal with a toxic culture. But it’s only when faced with significant adversity that the true toxicity is discovered. And by then, it’s too late.

The Culture Conundrum

How do you align your people with your purpose? And how do you get everyone on your team pulling in the same direction and chanting the same chant?

The Culture Perspective

The size of your organization does not determine whether you need your people to be aligned to a strong cohesive culture. ALL organizations need alignment to culture.

The Culture Impasse

If you neglect the culture, or simply allow it to grow from the bottom up, you will inevitably find yourself at an impasse, and you will not get to the next level.

The Culture Imperative

Culture is everything in an organization, even above strategy. It’s what sets you up for success, and it can absolutely make or break the business. Get it right and massive if not stratospheric success is possible. Get it wrong and nothing less than the entire organization is at stake.

The Cornerstones of Culture

The cornerstones of culture give us the framework to build a solid, strong, and cohesive culture that can propel any organization to stratospheric success.

Shared Vision

Vision is not Mission – It’s a view of how the world could be if we succeed. Vision is what your team couples to, gets passionate about; it’s what makes them feel like what they do in the world matters.

The Mission

Mission is not Vision – It’s the 20-mile march. A clearly defined Mission focuses all efforts and energy like a laser to attain the Vision. It makes the team cohesive and strong.

The Human Element

This is the most valuable resource we have – It is the manifestation of our internal passion, dedication, and drive. Recognize it, nurture it, lean into it, and embrace it!

Core Values

Values matter! – They can’t be bought, sold, bypassed, or compromised. They ultimately determine who gets in, who doesn’t, who gets to stay, and who has to go!

  Download The Keynote One-Page

Workshops Coming In 2024!

While I'm working on my next book, The Culture Imperative (expected Q3/Q4 2024), we're also developing some very unique hands-on workshops for identifying and aligning organizational and team culture. I'll also be putting together some excellent hands-on leadership and team development training.

So feel free to fill out the Contact form below and simply check the box for Workshops and we'll keep you in the know.



Tap Into Manuel's Infectious Energy and Let Him Inspire Your Audience.


Experience First-Hand Why He's a Culture Fanatic and The Transformation Guru!

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We're pretty good about responding to inquiries within about 24 hours, but don't hesitate to follow up or call if you'd like!

Tap Into Manuel's Infectious Energy and Let Him Inspire Your Audience.


Experience First-Hand Why He's a Culture Fanatic and The Transformation Guru!

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About You and Your Event


We're pretty good about responding to inquiries within about 24 hours, but don't hesitate to follow up or call if you'd like!